It’s Late 2021, Where’s Momentum Mod?

Great question! And I think we’ve got an even greater answer for you! Momentum Mod’s 1.0.0 release is going to be pushed back to 2022. More details can be found below. HOWEVER, Momentum Mod Playtest is now available for signup! You can find the button on our Steam Store page, under the Wishlist button. Click the “Request Access” button while logged in to the Steam account you’d like to play on, and we’ll be gradually and regularly (weekly) granting access over the upcoming months of development!...

November 27, 2021

0.9.0 Changelog - Portals, Panorama, and More!

Howdy! 🤠 It’s that time again, and as described in the 0.8.7 blog post, we are marking our 0.9.0 release today! While our playtesters may have been on this code for a while, the effort done by the team bringing all of the goodies below deserves to be highlighted! So without further ado: Speedy Thing Goes In, Speedy Thing Comes Out The biggest, most exciting part of this update is Aperture Science’s very own secret sauce: Portals....

July 12, 2021
This is the cover

0.8.8 - Bring the Chaos

Why, hello there! :) The last 4 months have been massive for the project. With getting access to the Source Engine’s inner demons, the team has been hard at work porting the game to the Chaos Source engine, and we have some pretty big news regarding it, so strap on in! Bring the Chaos 0.8.8 marks the first build of Momentum Mod on the Chaos Source engine branch....

April 14, 2021

0.8.7 Changelog

Hello, hello! I’ll be honest. I’ve been kinda struggling to find a good way to follow up the absolutely massive news of the previous blog post. I mean come on, how are we supposed to follow up that news…? … Well, with a kickass changelog, that’s how! :) A Very Bright Future Ahead If you were living under a rock for the past couple of weeks and somehow missed it (or want to read it again, like I’ve been doing repeatedly), Momentum Mod has been granted engine access from Valve!...

December 10, 2020

You Got a License for That?

Hello everyone, I have some extremely exciting news!! Momentum Mod was granted engine access by Valve! Firstly, this would not have been possible without the immense help from the team at Chaos Initiative, specifically CitadelCore and Tewan. With their guidance and direct help, we have been able to successfully get through to Valve to obtain access to the licensed Source Engine codebase! And that is not all!...

November 29, 2020