Website Updated - New Look!

Our website has finally been updated, and the frontend is now no longer just a placeholder! We’ve switched from the Javascript-based blog template to a lightweight and modern bootstrap frontend, complete with comprehensive mobile support. This update required us to completely re-write all the HTML and CSS for the frontend, as well as make many changes to the underlying Python/Flask backend.  However, the new website makes effective use of Jinja2 ′s in-HTML python interpreter, which allows us to extend the layout easily and create new pages quickly, as well as control the content inside a single HTML document....

April 18, 2016

0.3.0-prealpha release

0.3.0-prealpha is a large update to the look and feel of Momentum. Release notes:  Completely overhauled UIVelocity is can now be colorized based on acceleration (togglable, on by default)Added strafe sync numerical display and visual bar (also colorized) Added keypress display with jump and strafe counter Added dialog showing statistics after you complete a run Added support to save run statistics per-stage as well as overall, which will be expanded upon in future updatesAdded time splits for stagesChanged main menu Font has changed Custom settings panel for all of the new momentum-specific settings Changed colors of all panels in the menu to align more with Momentum's color scheme and aesthetic....

April 15, 2016

Introducing Shooty-Gun-Mod!

We are pleased to announce that today we have begun development of a standalone mod based on Momentum called Shooty-Gun-Mod, or SGM for short. Shooty-Gun is based on the unique gameplay of terrorists fighting counter-terrorists, in order to plant and explode a bomb or prevent hostages from being rescued.  We're excited to bring the key aspects of Momentum into the ground warfare of terrorists versus justice, and this new mod will be focusing primarily on combat rather than movement mechanics....

April 1, 2016

0.2.0 prealpha release

Just a quick update, we released a new version, 0.2.0 prealpha, which you can try for yourself here. Instructions for installing the mod are on the docs section of the main website, which you can find here.  The changes include full support for scroll gamemodes, including the stamina system from CS:S. Currently, the “legit” scroll/stamina gamemode is automatically applied if a map with the kz_ prefix is loaded. In the future, you will be able to select the gamemode from the map selector screen....

March 24, 2016

Bhop Block fix implemented

We’ve finished adding a fix for bhop blocks made using func_door and func_button entities, commonly found in older maps.  Similar to the mpbhops plugin for CS:S/CS:GO servers, our system finds bhop blocks made using func_door or func_button entities, and then locks them from moving. We then check the time that the player is touching the entity, and teleport them if they are touching the bhop block for too long. This fix prevents the doors from boosting the player’s height or slowing the player randomly as they move....

March 17, 2016