Finished Switch to SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer

Yesterday the team finished our transition from SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer to SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer, marking a major checkpoint in the mod’s development. We can now put our entire focus on adding new features such as individual player and run statistics, replays, and more. Momentum was envisioned as a Singleplayer mod with added in Multiplayer features such as global IRC chat, ghosts of other networked players on the same map, and leaderboards....

March 5, 2016


Welcome to the Momentum Mod devblog! Here you will see status updates and progress reports on our open source Source Engine modification. If you want to get involved in development, contact us here! Please include some sort of past work or proof of skills. We're accepting programmers, source level designers, 3d and 2d artists, as well as web developers.

March 3, 2016