Why, hello there. It’s been a little bit, hasn’t it? Well, we have quite the update for you! Well, not just you, but also our playtesters, who have been waiting very patiently for another update. There’s quite a bit, so let’s get right into it!
A Tip of the Hat to You
Momentum Mod will be featured in the Tip of the Hats 2019 Charity Marathon, taking place from October 11-13. We’re very excited to have some of the best surfers (and maybe even jumpers) show off the game, and all for a good cause! You can find more information on their website: https://tipofthehats.org. The surf and jump segments will take place on the last two days, but be sure to check out the entire event and help benefit Camp One Step!
I Surf In Your General Direction
In honor of the event, we will be adding 19 new surf maps, and keeping one classic:
- surf_cyberwave
- surf_be_gentle
- surf_facility
- surf_hob
- surf_timewarp
- surf_innokia
- surf_valpect
- surf_sippysip
- surf_mudkip
- surf_torque2
- surf_progress
- surf_delight
- surf_symbiosis
- surf_exile
- surf_drift
- surf_artifex
- surf_fortum
- surf_unreal_njv
- surf_interceptor
- surf_lt_omnific
These will be replacing the other surf maps for the time being, but we will add back the original maps after the event!
Rocket Jump Like Nobody’s Watching
Yes, you read that right. Thanks to the efforts of Larry and ILDPRUT, Momentum Mod now has an initial implementation of Rocket Jumping ready to be brutally nit-picked apart tested thoroughly by our playtesters.
It’s just a first implementation, so: there’s only one map (jump_summer), we’re still using HL2 assets for sounds, particles and models, and we currently only support the soldier loadout. It’s also prone to have many, many bugs, but should be good to go by 1.0.0. There will be more maps and features coming in future updates!
What’s Up, Doc?
Introducing our brand new documentation website: https://docs.momentum-mod.org
This has been something that I have personally wanted since learning about GitHub pages. The documentation site serves as a reference to Momentum-specific entities, console commands and vars, as well as several guides related to the game. Some of the guides already on the site will help you with things such as using the zoning tools and creating surf ramps. It’s a work-in-progress, and as such, some articles may be (and some definitely are) placeholders. But, the site is entirely open source, and we would love all the help we can get with documenting the game!
Rotten Apples
Just a note to our around 4 or so Mac playtesters (and potential future Mac players), we will be planning to drop MacOSX support by 1.0.0. As you may (or may not) know, MacOSX Catalina (v10.15+) drops support for 32 bit applications. Unfortunately, Momentum has to be 32 bit as we aren’t a licensed Source Engine game and therefore can’t compile a 64 bit engine ourselves. Valve also seems to not care about future OSX support for Source 1 mods. So, we have no choice but to drop support for the platform entirely. We will continue to offer OSX builds in the meantime, however, we cannot ensure that Apple will allow users (or developers) to stay on v10.14 or below in the future, nor would we encourage users to purposefully miss out on security updates to their device in order to play the game. Hence by 1.0.0, unless other circumstances arise, we will be launching the public release with only Windows and Linux officially supported.
Full Patch Notes
- Added initial Rocket Jump implementation
- Added TF2 Content Mounting
- Added online flashlight support (
mom_online_ghost_flashlights_enable [0/1])
- Added a command to teleport to where the player is looking (mom_eyetele)
- Added an outline to the player’s time on the leaderboards
- Improved the project to compile using Visual Studio 2019 from 2013
- Added localization support for pistol fire mode text
- Limited
to the engine’s max and min - Removed player speed cap when leaving the start zone from a saveloc
- Made the
refresh after each update - Removed redundant map name label in the spectator GUI
- Improved the look and feel of the map selection UI
- Fixed SetSpeed for
not reading the float values properly - Fixed func_conveyor to allow 0 speed on spawn
- Fixed
taking a direction instead of an angle - Fixed crashes due missing null checks in the lobby
- Fixed duplicate users showing on the lobby UI
- Fixed the player ducking while under a roof when using noclip
- Fixed spectator state not being reset when leaving a map
- Fixed time-ago strings showing “-1 seconds ago”
- Fixed Momentum teleport triggers
- Fixed picking up a weapon when switching to another weapon in the same slot
- Fixed OSX crash caused by compatibility issues
The website has also seen some major improvements thanks to Mantas and Flipybitz, so make sure to give it a look and let us know how you feel in our Discord!
That’s all for now! Until next time,
Nick (Gocnak) K.
Momentum Mod Project Lead