Removed the Chaos prefix from any Panorama panels/panels that had it. ChaosHud is now Hud, ChaosMainMenu is now MainMenu, and so on.
Removed the Chaos prefix from any Panorama events that had it. ChaosFrameUpdate is now FrameUpdate, ChaosShowIntroMovie is now ShowIntroMovie, and so on.
Renamed chaos_hud_menu_show command to hud_menu_show
Renamed chaos_hud_menu_hide command to hud_menu_hide
Renamed chaos_hud_menu_reload command to hud_menu_reload
Added an overlay plane when using Hammer’s Clipping Tool
Added buildambientcache concommand to pack ambient light cache into bsp
Added checkpoint system for KZ.
Added support for AVX/AVX2 (and other modern x86 extensions) in VRAD. If your processor doesn’t support it (or if you pass -noavx), it will fallback to a more generic version of VRAD.
Fixed DX11 swapchain creation failing in some cases
Fixed a bug causing ambient_generic to not use the correct source entity when played using the Toggle input
Fixed a bug preventing ambient_generic entities without the ‘Start Silent’ flag from playing
Fixed crash when ContextMenuFadoutTime is undefined
Fixed crash-on-exit in most utilities on Linux. This was a harmless crash, but annoying nonetheless.
Fixed dynamic game mounts when running under WINE
Fixed hammer 3D view selection not working properly with instances
Fixed materials being used for ropes and anything else simultaneously sometimes not being drawn (e.g. on surf_arcade)
Fixed packing of certain files into VPKs with vpk.exe
Fixed vgui_script trying to create a video material every frame when it fails to load
Load gameevents.res and modevents.res from the MOD search path instead of GAME. Previously, custom folder and workshop addons could unintentionally break things.
Display times on end of run graph axis as time strings (game/issues/1995)
Hid some potentially buggy debug console commands
Improved L4D1 and ASW model compatiblity
Improved behavior of vpk.exe on Windows
Load particles_manifest.txt from MOD search path. This is to prevent workshop addons overriding it. The additional BSP-packed particles_manifest.txt is unaffected by this change.