Added (8)

  • Added Hammer commands hammer_history_list, hammer_history_undo, and hammer_history_redo
  • Added $ParallaxDither parameter to PBR shader to enable/disable dithering
  • Added $ParallaxScale parameter to scale the number of PBR parallax steps. This can be expensive if you’re not careful!
  • Added a Find All button and Results list to Hammer’s Find and Replace dialog
  • Added automatic mount reordering based on the assets the current map references. Use host_map_mount_order_detection to enable/disable.
  • Added support for Hammer Qt themes via the -theme launch argument. (See hammer/resource/themes/dark.kv for an example)
  • Print sound’s active channel when snd_report_start_sound is enabled
  • Replaced Hammer’s Message Window with a new Qt Console window that can run commands and set convars

Fixed (11)

  • Fixed brush entities not rendering correctly on defrag ports
  • Fixed Hammer Go To dialog ignoring angle arguments and not allowing angle only movements
  • Fixed Hammer maps loaded as autosaves or via -map showing black viewports until reloaded
  • Fixed Hammer’s game config selector not adhering to the active Qt style
  • Fixed a bug where a VMF could be opened before Hammer was done loading
  • Fixed a few Particle Editor crashes
  • Fixed a rare crash related to sound loading
  • Fixed crash-on-exit in Hammer when running it in wine
  • Fixed matrials with missing texture not reloading properly in hammer
  • Fixed some entity output delays firing one tick earlier than in other games
  • Fixed some similarly delayed entity outputs not firing in the expected order

Improved (7)

  • Added support for JavaScript module loading in Panorama
  • Allowed the commands path, path_file, fs_printopenfiles, and fs_warning_level to be run from Hammer’s Console
  • Improved hammer’s Qt console
  • Improved performance of VGUI text overlays
  • Panorama can consume typescript files directly
  • Ported the Hammer Search Replace dialog to Qt
  • Updated V8 to 12.9