0.8.7 Changelog

Hello, hello! I’ll be honest. I’ve been kinda struggling to find a good way to follow up the absolutely massive news of the previous blog post. I mean come on, how are we supposed to follow up that news…? … Well, with a kickass changelog, that’s how! :) A Very Bright Future Ahead If you were living under a rock for the past couple of weeks and somehow missed it (or want to read it again, like I’ve been doing repeatedly), Momentum Mod has been granted engine access from Valve!...

December 10, 2020

You Got a License for That?

Hello everyone, I have some extremely exciting news!! Momentum Mod was granted engine access by Valve! Firstly, this would not have been possible without the immense help from the team at Chaos Initiative, specifically CitadelCore and Tewan. With their guidance and direct help, we have been able to successfully get through to Valve to obtain access to the licensed Source Engine codebase! And that is not all!...

November 29, 2020