0.5.0-prealpha release

It’s that time again! The Momentum Mod team has been hard at work on the latest update, 0.5.0-prealpha. 0.5.0 is an incremental update that overhauls many UI elements in the main menu as well as fixing some glaring issues with the previous builds. By far the largest change is the new main menu design, which is based off of NicolasDe’s GameUI2 from his mod Project-9. Huge thanks go to Nicolas for letting us use GameUI2 in Momentum Mod....

July 14, 2016

0.4.0-prealpha released

The development team has been hard at work on the biggest update yet: pre-alpha 0.4.0. This update is split into four sections: replays, comparisons, accurate timer, and map finished UI screen. By far the largest addition is replays, which automatically record for every run and allow the player to watch their run or share it with others. In a future update we will upload these files to our global leaderboards to allow easy watching of any replay, as well as downloading from the in-game leaderboards....

June 19, 2016

How the Momentum Mod timer works (how to get a time with 6 digits of precision on a 100 tick server)

As many bhoppers and surfers are aware, the smallest interval of time that can be calculated by a Source Engine server is the interval between two ticks, proportional to the tickrate set by the server owner. The server tickrate is just the server’s ”framerate” for simulating movement, physics, and other game logic. Note: bhop and kz servers use 100 tickrate, and surf servers use 66 tickrate. This means every tick takes 0....

June 19, 2016